空调库 V1.21
- Fixed an issue where refrigerant mass was not correctly computed in heat exchangers with headers. 修正了带有接头的换热器中制冷剂质量计算不准确的问题。
- Restructured Reservoirs package. 从新搭建了储液罐模型包。
- Added an Air flow source that can be connected to Multiport volume. 增加了一个可以连接多接口容积的空气流动源模型。
- Added pressure, density and enthalpy as states in ThermoFluidPro.ControlVolumes.ThermalModel_ph and ThermoFluidPro.Types.ThermoStates. 在模型ThermoFluidPro.ControlVolumes.ThermalModel_ph和ThermoFluidPro.Types.ThermoStates中增加了压力、密度和焓值作为状态变量。
- Added example AirConditioning.Examples.TXVCycleOnOff_pdh using p, d and h as states in condenser and evaporator where phase change occurs. 增加了一个示例AirConditioning.Examples.TXVCycleOnOff_pdh,其中蒸发器和冷却器中发生相变,用压力、密度和焓值作为状态变量。
- The library dependency on external SBTL code is moved from ThermoFluidPro to Modelon Base Library. 根据外部SBTL代码编写的库从ThermoFluidPro中移动到了Modelon基本库中。
飞机动力学库 V1.4
- Updated vendor-specific documentation annotation to Modelica standard annotation.更新了Modelica标准annotation中针对特定软件供应商的annotation文本。
- Corrected the expression for computing current altitude rate of change (dH) in the atmosphere function.修正了大气方程中计算当前高度变化率的表达式。
电气库 V1.5
- A new signals concept, making it easier to access controller signals, and to define new ones. See the ControllersAndSignals section in the User’s Guide. 提出了一个可以更快的接入控制信号和定义新信号的信号概念。具体参考用户手册中的ControllerAndSignal部分。
- A new system example (ElectricRange) for simulating the range of a battery electric vehicle. The main components (batteries, machines, …) now include loss power and cumulative energy losses in the summary records. 新增了一个仿真纯电动汽车续驶里程的系统示例。在summary records里包含主要元件(电池,机械元件等)的功率损失和总的能量损失。
- New table based aging models. Fixed a parameter issue with the CyclicContinuous aging model. Improved documentation of aging models. Added a nominal 1C current variable (i_nom_1C) to all batteries. The example TabularPack_Discharge demonstrates how to use this to specify a load current as C-rate. 新增基于表格的电池寿命模型。 修正路连续循环寿命模型中的参数问题。 改进了寿命模型的说明文档。 所有电池模型增加了一个额定1C电流变量。TabularPack_Discharge例子阐明了用倍率作为电流负载的用法。
- Added a loss factor to the core model used in most loads, making it possible to define heat losses for the loads. 在多数负载中,电芯模型通过增加了一个损失因子用来定义负载的热损失。
发动机动力学库 V2.6
- Updated the design of the fuel injection controller in EngineDynamics.Engines.Experiments.Examples.TorqueRampTurboChargedEngine. The old design could cause numerical issues in some special situations. 更新了EngineDynamics.Engines.Experiments.Examples. TorqueRampTurboChargedEngine中的燃油喷射控制器的设计。旧模型在一些特别仿真中会引起数值问题。
环控库 V3.10
- lReplaced old environment models System_AFS with a package of new environment models from Modelon base library, including separate models for atmosphere and individual vehicles.用Modelon基本库中的一个新的环境模型包代替了旧的AFS环境模型系统,其中包括空气和单个飞机的独立模型。
燃油库 V4.9
- Added a new pipe-network example model to illustrate the usage of bend pipes with several variants. 增加了一个新的管路网络模型例子用来说明有多个变体的弯管的使用方法。
- Added a new ESDU ejector model. It is a simplified table based model. 增加了一个新的ESDU喷射模型,是一个简化的数表驱动模型。
- A conditional fuel content connector is added to the pump. This has to be connected to a tank. Through this connector, fuel relative volume is sensed and given a proper assert warning when the tank nearly becomes empty. 泵中增加了一个可选的燃料量的连接器。该连接器必须连同油箱相连。通过这个连接器,可以测量燃料的相对体积,同时当油箱即将空的时候发出警告。
- A conditional minimum flow controller is added to the mass flow boundary. This can be enabled by setting useMinFlowController in the Advanced tab to true. It sets mass flow to a low value of 1e-6 when the pressure drops below p_t (in Advanced tab). 质量流量边界增加了一个可选的最小流量控制器。可以通过在Advanced中设置useMinFlowController 为true激活。在参数设置中,当压力降到p_t以下时,质量流量设定为最小值1e-6。
- Replaced old environment models System_AFS with a package of new environment models from Modelon base library, including separate models for atmosphere and individual vehicles. This change enables multi-vehicle simulations in a single model with consistent atmosphere definitions. 用Modelon基本库中的一个新环境模型包代替了旧的环境模型System_AFS,其中包括空气和单个飞机的独立模型。这可以实现在一个模型里定义相同的大气条件进行多飞机仿真。
- CG computation in the ConvectiveComplexTank is made optional. If enableCG is true, CG is computed else {0,0,0} is returned. By default, enableCG is set to false. It is recommended to have enableCG=false in case it is not required. 在ConvectiveComplexTank中CG计算成为可选项。如果CG使能设置为真,将会返回计算除{0,0,0}之外的CG值。CG使能默认设置为假。仿真中若无需求推荐设置为假。
- Merged MuliPressureboundary into PressureBoundary. This included the new PressureBoundary that can handle multiple connections. A conversion script is added to handle the transition in user models. 融合MuliPressureboundary到PressureBoundary里。其中包括能够处理多连接的新压力边界。增加了一个用来转换用户模型的转换脚本。
- Replaced the pump template model PartialPump with an equivalent from Modelon Base Library 用一个Modelon基本库的等效模型代替了泵模板模型中的PartialPump 。
- Corrected compressibility factor for JetA real-time media 修正了JetA 实时媒介中可压缩性因子。
- Made Re from X Tables conditional, based on the need, in SimplePipeResistance. The default number of points has been reduced to 21 if both wall and lumped frictions are modeled, 15 otherwise. 在SimplePipeResistance中,基于需求有条件的从X表格中计算Re。如果同时搭建壁面和集中参数摩擦模型,默认的点数是21个,否则为15个。
- Modified the ejector models to use template structure. All the ejector models and its base class are moved to a top-level Ejectors package. 用模板架构修改喷射模型。所有的喷射模型和它的基本类都被移到高层级的喷射包里。
- Improved ThirdOrderPower to support an arbitrary number of operating points 完善了ThirdOrderPowe模型以支持任意个数的操作点。
换交换器库 V2.6
- TwoPhasePlainGasFinCounterEvaporator and TwoPhasePlainGasFinCounterCondenser are new two-phase-gas counter-flow heat exchangers with a plain plate surface and gas external finned channels. TwoPhasePlainGasFinCounterEvaporator和TwoPhasePlainGasFinCounterCondenser是新的用平板表面和气体外部翅片通道换热的两相气体逆流式换热器。
- Before the initialization of a simulation, a check is performed so that a correct air side 2D component type is used in the fin-tubed heat exchanger components in heat exchanger stack models that extend from HeatExchanger.Stacks.Templates. 在仿真初始化之前,要检查保证在换热器堆栈模型(继承自HeatExchanger.Stacks.Templates)翅片扁管换热元件中使用正确类型的空气侧2D元件。
液压库 V4.14
- Cavitation of the fluid is now properly modeled in VolumeDynamics. This includes: 现在对容积动态模型中的流体的气穴进行适当地建模。包括以下几个方面: 1)when reaching vapor pressure, the oil starts to become gaseous, 当达到蒸汽压力时,油开始变为气态。2)the fraction of gaseous oil is tracked and oil pressure cannot raise (with incoming flow) unless the entire gaseous oil volume is transformed back into liquid oil. 全程记录气态油体积分数,在不断供油的情况下,油压不会增加,除非所有的气化油重新被转换成液态的油。3) The gaseous fraction of the oil volume is local to the volume and not transferred through ports. Mass flow exiting the volume is always liquid oil. 气态油体积分数位于体积模型里,不会通过端口传递。体积出口的质量流量是液态油。 4)Warnings are raised if the entire volume of oil becomes gaseous, as the physics would not be ensured. 若所有体积的油都变成气体时会发出警告,因为不能确定此时油的物理状态。
- A single-acting cylinder with feedback spring is added to the library. 库中增加了一个拥有反馈弹簧的单行程气缸。
- Command logic now have a minimum value of the flow and an outflow enthalpy set to zero, as well as state selection avoided. This simplifies mixing computations in case of non-optimal port connection. 进出流量的焓值在逻辑上有一个为0的最小值,同时要避免状态量的选择。针对非最优连接接口这将简化混合计算。
- Visualizers now have state selection set to avoid pressure variables. 为避免压力相关的变量定义,现在可视化有状态选择设置。
- Updated PilotCheckValveCircuit to use an elastic friction model for better robustness. 为了更好的稳健性用一个弹性摩擦模型更新了PilotCheckValveCircuit。
- Propagated initialization parameters related to volumes in several components, especially in the DirectionalControl and Valves packages access these more conveniently. 在几个元件间(特别在DirectionalControl和阀门包里)容积相关的初始化参数可以更加方便地进行设置。
- Restrictions in Plunger and Differential cylinders were connected so that an external leakage from the chambers to the environment would be negative. For convenience only, these restrictions have been flipped to have a positive leakage flow when going from the chambers to the environment. 柱塞和差速油缸中的限位器连接在一起,因此从腔室到环境的外部泄漏为负。仅为方便起见,将这些限制翻转,以便在从腔室进入环境时具有正的泄漏流量。
喷气推进库 V2.12
- Mass estimation models are now implemented as equations instead of algorithms. They are also made replaceable to make it easier to use customized mass estimation methods. WATE-specific parameters (geo, nStg_max and use_nStgInput) are moved inside the WATE mass estimation implementation, while common variables, like state records, are available in the interface. 质量估算模型现在用方程取代了算法的描述方式。这些模型可以用更简单的用户自定义的质量预估模型替代。WATE-specific参数(geo,nStg_max和use_nStgInput)移到WATE质量估算方法内,同时诸如state record之类的通用变量可以在接口中使用。
- Added individual documentation for the GearedTurbofan and MixedTurbofan experiment models and the JT9D examples have been grouped. 齿轮涡扇与混合涡扇发动机的测试模型和JT9D示例分别增加的说明进行了分组。
火电库 V1.21
- 新增模型ThermalPower.Experiments.HeatExchangerSizing.EconomizerCalibration。
- Hydrogen: New media model ThermalPower.Media.Gases.NaturalGasWithH2 has been added that contains components of conventional natural gas as well as hydrogen. 氢:新媒介模型添加了ThermalPower.Media.Gases.NaturalGasWithH2,其包含了传统天然气和氢气的成分。
- ThermalPower.FlueGas.Combustors.Examples.VariableCompositionCombustor has been added to demonstrate combustion of any combination of gas compositions ranging from natural gas to pure hydrogen gas.添加了ThermalPower.FlueGas.Combustors.Examples.VariableCompositionCombustor,其演示了从天然气到纯氢气任意组分的气体组合的气体燃烧。
- The gas combustor model has been split into two parts for improved useability: One generic combustor model ThermalPower.FlueGas.Combustors.Templates.CombustorGeneric that can be used with any combination of gases and is recommended for advanced users and one predefined template for the gas combustor ThermalPower.FlueGas.Combustors.Combustor that uses a specified combination of media models and includes the combustion matrix and formation enthalpy vectors for this media. The conversion script for 1.21 version does not cover this update very well and the user might be forced to do a manual update to any potential broken models using the combustor model. 为了实用性,气体燃烧模型拆分为两部分:一部分是用于任意组分气体的通用燃烧模型ThermalPower.FlueGas.Combustors.Templates.CombustorGeneric,建议高级用户使用;另一部分是一个用特定组分的媒介模型的预定义的气体燃烧模板: ThermalPower.FlueGas.Combustors.Combustor,使用特定的介质模型组合,并包含该介质的燃烧矩阵和生成焓向量的燃烧器。1.21版本的转换脚本不能很好的覆盖这种更新,用户必须用燃烧模型手动更新到任何存在潜在问题的模型。
- The ThermalPower.FlueGas.TurboMachinery.OpenCycleGasTurbine has been adapted for the usage of natural gas with hydrogen. This enables the user to change the composition of the fuel and include hydrogen also for the ThermalPower.Experiments.GasCombinedCycleThreePressure e.g. gradually increase hydrogen content in natural gas fuel. ThermalPower.FlueGas.TurboMachinery.OpenCycleGasTurbine已经适用于混有氢气的天然气。这使用户能够改变燃料成分,在ThermalPower.Experiments.GasCombinedCycleThreePressure等例子中逐渐提升天然气燃料中的氢气成分。
- Documentation update for ThermalPower.FlueGas.Combustors including examples on how to use combustors for various combinations of media models. ThermalPower.FlueGas.Combustors的文件中更新了对不同组合的媒介模型使用燃烧室的例子。 Boolean parameter useMeanTempDrivenQ has been added to components in ThermalPower.FlueGas.FlowChannels and ThermalPower.TwoPhase.FlowChannels which enables usage of the mean temperature in the flow channel heat flow equation in each control volume. 布尔参数useMeanTempDrivenQ已经增加到了ThermalPower.FlueGas.FlowChannels的元件中,同时ThermalPower.TwoPhase.FlowChannels实现了使用平均温度在每个控制体积中的流量。
蒸汽循环库 V2.6
- Added proper calculation of metal mass and thermal resistance in WireAndTubeHX. 在WireAndersonTubeHX中增加了金属质量和热阻的计算。
- Added CapillaryTube with n discrete control volumes and distributed flow resistance 增加了有n个离散的控制体积和分布式的流阻。
- Added capillary tube suction line heat exchanger for domestic refrigeration and air conditioning systems. It consists of both adiabatic and non-adiabatic region. 针对家用冰箱和空调系统增加了毛细管吸入管路换热器。其包含绝热和非绝热部分。
- Added implementation of function vaporQuality in the Refprop template. 在制冷剂模板中增加了vaporQuality函数。
汽车动力学库 V3.6
- “支持序列式变速箱”: VDL has been extended to support sequential transmissions. This includes both transmissions and additional driver models. Two examples transmissions have been added: 5-speed and 6-speed. Eight driver models have been added to support these transmissions. This includes lateral closed-loop, longitudinal closed-loop, combined closed-loop, and open-loop models. One-loop model supports gear changes using paddle shifters. 汽车动力学库已经支持序列式变速箱。包括变速箱和额外的驾驶员模型。增加了两个变速箱例子:5档和6档。增加了8个驾驶员例子来支持这些变速箱使用。这包括侧向闭环、纵向闭环、联合闭环和开环模型。单环模型支持用换挡拨片的变速箱的换挡。
- “轮胎纵向和横向滑移”: The tire force interface has been extended to include output of the longitudinal slip ratio and lateral slip angle. Users that have implemented a custom tire force model that references this interface, the Diagram template or Textual template will have to add these outputs. For the Textual template, a value must be assigned to the kappa and alpha variables. For the Diagram template, a connection must be made to the kappa and alpha output connectors. 轮胎作用力的接口已经扩展到包含输出纵向滑移比和横向滑移角度。当用户建立了特定的参考该接口的轮胎作用力模型时,必须在图形化的或者代码模板中添加这些输出变量。代码模板中,kappa和aipha变量必须被赋值。框图模板中,必须建立与kappa和alpha的输出接口的连接。
- “改变默认的接触计算模型”: The default contact calculation model in all wheel models (except GSTBakker87) has been changed to the Single model. Previously, the default contact calculation model was Generic. The Generic model allowed a user to add geometric or planar filtering for road unevenness calculations. If you were using geometric filtering that has filtering set either “Geometry weighted” or “Planar”, you will have to redeclare the contact block to Generic. 除了GSTBakker87外的所有车轮模型中的默认接触计算模型已经变为一个独立模型。旧版本中,默认的接触计算模型是通用的。通用模型允许用户添加几何或者平面过滤来计算路面不平顺性。若是使用“Geometry weighted” 或者“Planar”过滤设置的几何过滤器,必须重新将接触模块声明为通用模块。
- “自动和手动变速箱的调整“:The AutomaticN and ManualN gearsets have been simplified. Previously, these models allowed the user to define stiffness and damping characteristics and backlash of the transmission gears. These gearsets have been simplified to eliminate requirement of specify gear characteristics. As such, the gear characteristic parameters: gear_table_c, gear_table_d, gear_table_b, phi_table_tau, w_table_tau have been removed from both the gearsets and the corresponding AutomaticI and ManualH transmissions. If you should like to include the transmissions gear characteristics in either the AutomaticI or ManualH transmission, you will have to redeclare the gear to: AutomaticN_GC or ManualN_GC, respectively. These gearsets have the parameters listed previously. 简化了自动挡和手动挡变速箱。旧版本中,这些模型允许用户定义刚性和阻尼特性以及变速箱齿轮的间隙。这些齿轮箱进行简化而无需定义特定齿轮特性。因此这些齿轮特征参数:gear_table_c, gear_table_d, gear_table_b, phi_table_tau, w_table_tau已经从齿轮箱以及对应的自动、手动变速箱中移除了。如果在自动或手动变速箱中用齿轮特征参数,相应的就必须重新申明齿轮:AutomaticN_GC或ManualN_GC。旧版本中这些变速箱具有前述参数列表。
- Replaceable mounts have been added to the FiveLinkTT1 linkage template to allow the use of toe and camber adjusters in five link rear suspensions. 为了允许在五连杆后悬架中使用前束和侧倾调节器,FiveLinkTT1连杆模板中增加了可替代的车架模型。
- The hub offset parameter is now consistently applied in both left and right linkages where a positive value results in an outward offset. Earlier the right hub required a negative value for an outward offset. The offset parameter has also been propagated to the upright and axle components. 轮毂偏置参数现在可以一致性地用在左右两侧的悬架上,正值导致了一个向外的偏移量。更早版本中对向外的偏移,右侧轮毂偏移量需要定义为负值。偏置参数也适用于右上臂和传动轴模型。
- A kingpin_lateral_offset parameter is available in the LumpedMass, Polynomial, and SwingArm reduced fidelity front suspensions to allow a lateral offset of the steering joint at the wheel center. 在LumpedMass、 Polynomial和SwingArm的降低保真度的前悬架中,可以使用kingpin_lateral_offset参数,以允许方向盘中心都转向接头的横向偏移。
- It is now possible to define viscous friction in the steering column for the RackLinear steering. 现在可以定义RackLinear转向柱的粘性摩擦。